Ever since they were young, the Ward children were taught the ideals of optimal adulthood; not only how to succeed in life, but how to excel, to climb to the top even if it meant using someone else’s back as your pedestal and then roaring down below. They were groomed to be “perfect”, mirror images of everyone in the lineage who came before them, brilliant and proper and, well, the best… so to speak. A recollection of his childhood doesn’t reflect of playing outdoors, scraped knees and toothy grins and an unstifled sense of adventure, but rather of classically trained musical lessons, foreign languages, books, silence. For that, he grew up spectacularly resentful.

At first, he played the role of doting son, the kind that held his chin up proudly and adorned that steely Ward resolve his father wore so well, but his acquiesce quickly dissipated in adulthood once he realized that it didn’t matter what he did. It hadn’t ever, really, despite the pats on his back and the unsmiling, yet motivated, “I’m proud of you, son” speeches. He was the middle child, of little attention and consequence, and he’d never be exactly what his father wanted. That’s what Declan was for.

Until he wasn’t, of course.

In early 2000, Declan enlisted in the military much to their parents’ chagrin, and suddenly he was the focus. For the next several years following his brother’s absence, Eamon let his feelings fall to the wayside and instead concentrated on his studies (early acceptance into Harvard) in preparation of joining the Ward empire. For years he bore the burden of his family’s scrutiny and judgment, swallowing the bitter, metallic taste of inadequacy and pressure. It wasn’t long before he burned his last bridge, however. After a particularly wild party, a sort of coming of age celebration for those “championing their futures” and “grabbing life by the balls”, as his friend had so eloquently put, a run-in with his old man left him impressionable of just how important his worth was to the future of the company - or lack, thereof.

From that moment forward, Eames was solely on a path of self-gratification, determined to sever whatever ties he had to WIT (Ward Industries & Technologies) and pursuing his own purpose, whatever that may be. With this newfound mission to prove everyone wrong, Eames secured a reputable position at Genentech as a research scientist in cancer biology. For awhile things were perfect, but all good things must come to an end. When word came that his parents were murdered, his thinly veiled faux-reality shattered. He couldn’t just forget who he was and where he’d come from, and he’d been a fool to even try. Just like that, he was back where he started, feeling small, insignificant, lost.
Jonathan Crane was born out of wedlock and suffered severe abuse as a child. His father took off before he was even born, and his mother was made to leave her new born son in the hands of her grandmother, a religious fanatic with less than pure intentions for the boy. As a child he was exposed to severe emotional and physical torment and torture from his great grandmother, the worst of course being the Keeny families chapel, where flocks of crows nested, and he was forced to dress in a suit contaminated with a homemade chemical designed to enrage nearby crows and force them to attack the source. It was because of this that Jonathan developed a crippling fear of his grandmother. [extended...]


  • intimidation
  • violent dancing
  • genius intellect
  • psychology
  • psychiatry
  • chemistry
  • toxicology
  • pedagogy
  • downward spiral escalated upon the death of his parents, leading him to a life of debauchery, hedonism, drugs. since their death in early 2000, eames has been in and out of three rehabilitation facilities and has yet to find his reason to stop "indulging in his whims" despite the insistence of his family and the money (held captive by his older brother) waiting for him on the other side.

  • quit his job about a year after the tragedy, though it likely wasn't long before he was relieved of his duties as it were. presently works for WIT, despite the very vindictiveness that swore him against it years ago.
cv tie-ins
  • negative relationship with his parents
  • more soon
“for i am the scarecrow, the master of, well, you know what i'm the master of.”